
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Favorite things - Johnny Seeds

After spending the past week catching up on all the garden chores I sat down last night to put together an order of things I will  need soon.  I pulled out my stack of catalogs and immediately opened Johnny's first.   I am always drawn to Johnny's first.   I love Johnny Seeds.   I mostly love there catalog.   It has so much info on growing each seed / plant they offer,  it rivals many gardening books.   For vegetable gardening I've relied for 20 plus years on Crockett's Victory Garden's first edition.  It's served me well over the years.  But Johnny's catalog has so much great info in it I find myself going to it now instead of my old stand-by.  

If your not familiar with their catalog, it offers all kinds of veggies, fruits, herbs and flowers.  It also has green manures,  various cover crops and pasture mixes for different animals.   It has some great tools and all kinds of supplies.  

On the top of my shopping list is agribon row cover for this fall / winter.   I'm going to do some low tunnels for extended season growing.   I am also going to get the pipe bender to bend galvinized conduit pipe to hold the agribon and poly up.   After last years snowy winter I want to make sure my tunnels can stand up to the weight of a snow load.   Johnny's is located in Maine so they know snow.

The only other things I need are some seeds.  I'll get pea's to get in now, onion seeds to sow now for spring harvest and garlics.  I may try a few new lettuces too. 

Johnny's also has a number of video's on their website.  I watched the one on their pipe bender yesterday.  BTW... I am not compensated for this review.   I just really like them. 


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