
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Almost wordless Wednesday

Hubbard Squash Flower

Cucumber teepee, Jalepeno's & tomato plant in mixed garden border bed

The day's pickin's


  1. That is a great looking harvest
    Elizabeth. Looks a lot like mine have this week. I have so many cukes that I will break down and make more bread and butter pickles. Hadn't planned on it, but sure do have the fruit to do it with. What do you do with yours?

  2. Lots of cucumbers to be sure. Isn't it always the's the thing I use the least of. The only plants we have are on the little teepee but boy does it produce! I make cucumber slices in vinegar with onions and just slice with salt and pepper or homemade mayo. I also use minced with plain yogurt for curry dishes. And then the rest go to the goats, pigs & chickens who think it's the best ever treat.

    I've never made pickles. Can you use the big ones or do you need to pick when they are little?
