
About Us

Hi,   I'm Elizabeth.   

After a wonderful career as a horticulturist living in a big city I am finally living my dream of living in the country homesteading.   I've loved growing plants all my life but it's growing things that nourish and sustain us that is the most fulfilling and what I've longed to do since I was a child.  

We are on 3 acres, about 1/2 wooded, in central Virginia.   I believe the property was at one time used for timber and it is definitely not rich wonderful soil but we keep working on it.  Between old hay from the goats, chicken droppings and compost we'll get it there in time.

This is Malia and she loves and shares this homesteading life with me.  Between the 2 of us we do it all and I'm so grateful she's had the chance to do this as a child.   Whenever we go into the city she tells me how glad she is to live in the country.  That may change as she grows up but I'm grateful she feels that way today.

We also have a small kennel where we raise and show Tibetan Terriers.   Between dogs, goats, gardening, building projects and all the other things that are part and parcel of homesteading we sure are busy, but we are also happy.

In my spare time .... ha! .....  I am a mixed media artist and love all things paper, fabric and crafty.   

You can contact me  at:

I would love to hear from you!


  1. Found you on Pinterest and I am so glad I did! I am trying to do exactly what you are accomplishing! It feels good at the end of the day when you go to sleep knowing you are one day closer to being self-sufficient with a smaller footprint! Wonderful site with some things I need to try. Thanks

  2. I'm glad you found us and enjoyed the site!

  3. I love this site! You have given me a LOT of great ideas for our little mini homestead! We also have roughly 3 acres and want to goats, chickens, garden and eventually...pigs :) Keep at it and tell us the tricks so we can follow in your footsteps!!
