
Monday, August 20, 2012

Hi - My Name is Elizabeth And I am Addicted to Books

I should never go to a bookstore without a chaperone to make sure things don't get out of hand.  I adore books and magazines are nearly impossible for me to walk away from if they are about paper arts.  They are my guilty pleasure.  

This Wordpress book was particularly appealing since it was 8 in 1 and about 750 pages.   I have been working on moving this blog over to Wordpress and actually have quite a bit of it done.   If you get a minute go to  and let me know what you think.   I was sure I wanted to move the blog but I'm finding I've become attached to Blogger and am not so sure anymore.   It's just so easy compared to Wordpress. 

I know it's been confusing to some people because they are trying to get here and they forget to add blogspot to the url and end up there which is atinyhomestead but not quite.   

It was a wonderful afternoon in a bookstore with a cinnamon hazelnut coffee and arms full of books to browse through.   I can't remember the last time I did this but it was an indulgence thoroughly enjoyed.



  1. I, too, am addicted to reading. So RMan bought me a Kindle a few weeks ago. Now I'm in heaven :)

  2. I have one too and absolutely love it. I never leave home without it. I have a wordpress book on the kindle but found for me, reference books and some magazines are better in real life. Can you check books out on your kindle from the library? We are fortunate that we can here.

  3. I suffer from that addiction as well. I came here via Brambleberry. I'm at Blue Country Magic. Nice blog. I too checked out wordpress and found it wanting. Too used to blogger, I guess (I was reading your other posts).

  4. HI Country Dew. I'm glad you found me and I'll go check yours out as well. I think wordpress probably for the very geeky is a better platform but to get the part that makes it better than blogger requires a steep learning curve for most of us. At least that's the case for me. :-)
