
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Altered Book = Handmade Journal

The inside is done and am now working on the cover with scraps of fabric.   The flower is made from the same fabric on top of the burlap on the book already.  Scroll down to see a finished cover.

Making a handmade journal 

One of my favorite things to do is to work with old books that aren't being used anymore and making them something I or someone else will use.

I am so forgetful sometimes and I always feel the need to write everything down or it may be gone.   I've been this way since forever and have gotten into the habit of having something with me to write on whenever I go.  When my last notebook was about out of useable paper I decided to turn the book below into a new journal.  I liked it because of the size and the fact that it would fit in my purse.

It also didn't hurt that it was about attitude either.  I thought I would leave some of the words exposed to remind me about attitude attitude attitude.  I thought perhaps it could keep me in an attitude of gratitude if I was when I was getting annoyed while shopping....well checking out actually.  After all I will be using it for shopping lists etc.  And I do find shopping to bring out the worst in me sometimes, but lets keep that between ourselves OK?  I'ld hate for everyone to know I was one of those people that once I'm in a checkout line I have been known to sigh deeply and roll my eyes if the line goes too slow.  My next altered book/journal needs to be in a book about slowing down and not being in such a hurry all the time.   OK...back to altered books.


I painted the cover white with some cheap craft acrylic first and then when it was dry I took a piece of burlap and covered it.  That yellow would have shown right through the burlap otherwise.

Then I started replacing the pages with all kinds of different papers.  I used a lot of lined paper so I would have a place to write but I also used drawing papers and scrapbook papers.  I used my decorative scissors and cut out 4 or 6 pages,  glued 3 together if I cut 6 or 2 if I cut 4 with PVA glue and then put  my own paper in between and glued it in.  I left the words to show through in some places and painted them to cover it in others.

Sorry for the poor quality of some of these pictures.  I need to invest in a better flash.

I made this envelope out of scrapbook paper and glued it in the front so I would have a place to carry things if I wanted to.  I took the piece to close it from another old envelope which I also used as a template to make this one.   The scrapbook paper was some I had gotten on sale from Michaels for 5 for  $1.

Some pages I did collages on to make it personal using scraps of paper or ribbon left over from some other project. 

I deckled all the edges of paper to make it rustic looking.

This was probably the most fun page I did.  The picture is great and I wanted to match the page to it so I used very heavy weight watercolor paper and lots of watercolor paint.

This page has some cheesecloth on it as well as part of a vintage bird book from the 1930's I picked up at an antique store just to use for my altered book projects.

I'll post a picture of it when the cover is done.

Here's a picture of a finished cover but I haven't started the inside of the book yet.   I haven't even decided which book to use for it actually but I got a few at the antique market so I have a choice when I get the one I'm working on now done.

This will just be the front cover.   The pocket is from an old pair of Malia's shorts and the batik brown is from a summer dress I made years ago sewn onto burlap.   

Last night while we were in town I got the fabric to start another one for my family photo's and documents that are heirlooms.   Jo-Ann's was having a 50% off sale and I had been waiting to get it when they were having a just such a sale.   Even the beads were all 50% off.  I'm really excited to start that one.

This I love enough that I may, the next time there is a sale on the fabric, get another piece to make a bag out of.   It's that heavy home decor fabric almost like what you would use to recover a chair.   I love love love it.   I hope the finished book with all the vintage family photo's will be something my family will hold dear.

Sweet dreams everyone.  I'm off to bed.


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