
Sunday, June 6, 2010

A broken leg waiting to happen

Baby Goats love to climb on anything and everything. This little guy and his sister are no exception to this basic baby goat rule. Actually adults like to climb too but like humans, the kids have no sense of fear. The siblings are usually together on top of this temporary shade structure made of cattle panels and a tarp.

In back of the hut are a number of goat panels (fencing) standing up against the regular fencing.   It's great to use for a moveable fence.   Today we found they had learned to climb to the top of them and walk along them....definetely a broken leg that just hasn't happened yet.   We'll be moving those tomorrow.


  1. Elizabeth, just found your blog and I love it! I so look forward to reading about all your homesteading adventures. Guess we are neighbors, though I am not sure exactly where you are. Will have to google it. We are in N. VA, about 45 minutes outside the hustle and bustle of DC. We are blessed to be in an agricultural community, so it certainly has a country feel to it. Have a great day!

  2. Palmyra is just outside of C'ville and so glad you found us too!

  3. I'm one, too !! I'm in the Hudson Valley, in New York. Just started my blog about animal ( and child)keeping in the country. Too bad you aren't closer, because I'd love to give you some rabbits.We have too many...:))

  4. Great photos! One of my Icelandic lambs was doing the exact same thing this spring, but never when my camera was handy.
