
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting ready for spring

Tina is pregnant

It appears Elvis did a good job with Tina.   She's certainly pregnant and due around the first of May.   I would guess she'll at least have twins from how large she is this far out.    Last year she gave us triplets.   From the looks of it he wasn't able to breed Passion.    This isn't all bad since last year we had much more mik than we needed.   The first 2 months after kidding Tina alone was giving us 2 gallons a day.   She tapered off  until in Dec. she was only giving us about a 1/2 gal a day.    We stopped milking her then to give her a rest,    I am hoping for does from her which I will keep if we are lucky enough to get them.

Genesis incubator with 8 eggs

    Hopefully we'll get a good hatch from these.  Last year we bought hatching eggs but this year we are using our own eggs.   I put them in last Thursday and I'll candle them this weekend to see how many are viable.  I wanted to get a few in early so they'll be laying for me by the end of the summer.  I think I'll just keep adding any extra eggs we get from here on out although I've been doing a lot of cooking and haven't had many extra's.   With only 4 hens and 1 of those still isn't laying, there really haven't been that many eggs.

 Rudy is a very handsome and gentle rooster and I'm anxious to see what we get.   I separated  and marked the eggs so maybe I will know who's who when they hatch.  Of course that's if I'm there when they do.  

I'll also be starting some seeds this week.   I need to go through and see what I have.  I didn't get much of  a garden in last year but I had bought a ton of seeds.  Most will still be viable this year so it wasn't a total loss.   I also hope to get a large area in for winter food for the goats and pigs.   Turnips, mangles, collards and sweet potato's.   Maybe some sunflowers and jerusalem artichokes.